August 21, 2021

PRISON BREAK ESSAY #2 – The Circular Life

What Goes Around

When I look out the window day or night, I have no immediate sense of the earth in its rotation. Instead, life seems to move by the clock, and most of them aren’t circular anymore. Instead, time appears horizontal as if it marches in a line and keeps on marching, with or without me.

But science disagrees.  Some time ago, brilliant minds discovered that the earth wasn’t flat; it was, in fact, circular in shape and its rotation around the sun was a daily dance.

I think a similar misconception was true for me about life. It took about three decades before I began to see a trend in my fears, mistakes, misjudgments, joys, and events.  Instead of marching toward my end game, it appeared to me that I had De Ja Vue; I had been here before.

Different faces, a different town, but the same sorrow or repeat joy.  Mistakes I thought I left behind appeared like a thief, usually through the back door of life when and where I wasn’t looking.

The timelines of life became the circles of my experience.

Thankfully, I am not a prisoner to the pattern.  If I become aware of the circle, I can keep an eye on the back door.  I know who and what to look for.  At night, when it’s dark, I can lock that door before I close my eyes to rest.  I have the power to be free if I do my homework.

I am the farmer in my life

I am the farmer in my life.  I gather the seeds for the harvest I want and plant them deliberately.  Depending on the conditions, my seeds will struggle through the hard soil and fight off aggressive weeds.  Smart farmers will, of course, do everything they can to help the seed have a fighting chance, so I keep my eye out for the same bugs that tried to destroy my crop last year.

With the welcome breeze of a sizzling summer day, my harvest is ready. Now I get to reap whatever fruit I have from the carefully planted and nurtured seed.  It may be bountiful or lean.  Unfortunately, bad storms happen and they are not in my control.

But how I now experience the harvest, whether abundant or wanting, is mine to own!  I have the power to be confident, trusting, happy, and at peace.

Circles will come around

If the crop flourished, it’s time to share and celebrate.  If the vine was stingy and my pockets are hollow, it’s time to share and celebrate. I know this because of the circles.  Having traveled in the hamster toy long enough, I have discovered, the earth is rotating, and time is going round.  What seems one way today can become different tomorrow.

Besides, back in the spring, I planted seeds on the following day.  Tomorrow is another celebration.