September 11, 2021

How to Find A Way Out Of The Dark

The Gift of Light and Dark

To be candid with myself and you – my life has been an awesome gift thus far. Dancing with this world is exhilarating, humiliating, and reflective. Mostly reflective.

The loud splashes when joy or pain arrive are exhilarating and excruciating. But they are rare. In comparison, my time to learn from curiosity and persistence line the pages of my journals.

Funny really how dark times worked in my favor. I had to find a way out. And the process of finding a path to get me back to a more stable condition- be it physical, relational or financial has always required two things from me:

  1. To accept it. It is this way. I am in it, and I can choose a new direction to get out of it.
  2. To persistently take healthy steps, no matter how small, every day to create progress toward what I want.

Fault Makes No Difference

It doesn’t matter whose fault it is; this problem or setback is mine to solve. And I can. And, Life is ready to help me do it.

Even on dark days, when I want to do zip, nada, zilch, –  I make a conscious choice instead of a defeated sigh.  I decide that today I will rest, give myself a break, and know that even resting can have its rewards.

The Grace of Gratitude

Somewhere along in this journey of mine, I stumbled upon the grace of gratitude. She infused my world with the awareness that she will guide me into light, deserved or undeserved, as I remain conscious of my actions, beliefs, choices, attitudes, and actions.

She is grace, after all. She is a gift.