September 28, 2021

What Is Bread Because and How It Works



I bake delicious organic sourdough bread and offer it to my community at no charge. Generous neighbors take the money they would have spent on bread at the store and “Pay it Forward” by giving love to their world. It could be money, time, or attention, but hopefully, it is always without obligation.

Personally, I support several causes that I really believe in which include but are not limited to local fundraising for people who have suffered a tragedy, widows in India, orphans in Africa, Washington Trails Association, my church, Salvation Army, and several others.  You will of course follow your heart but feel free to ask about any of these great causes, and I will send you in the right direction.

I believe we are talking too much and doing too little. We are ready to debate issues and share opinions but too few are ready just to be the difference. Every person I meet has something wonderful to offer the world, and I invite you to do just that.


Harmony Thiessen Abstract Artist Bellingham Washington

Hello, I’m Harmony, and I am so happy to bake for you!

THANK YOU – Together we feed the world with love!